What Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Sterling?

SottoPelle is a renowned international training company dedicated to improving the quality of life for men and women utilizing pellet hormone therapy. The late Dr. Gino Tutera, Founder of SottoPelle, was the pioneer of this therapy. Dr. Tutera taught numerous physicians the best practices of hormone pellet therapy. They continue to be the leader in educating and training medical providers on the methodology of working with bioidentical pellet hormones and the premier company pioneering bio identical hormonal therapy science. Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Certified Providers are trained in the utmost professionalism.
The SottoPelle Method utilizes subcutaneous pellets for natural hormone replacement, that has consistently delivered positive results throughout the years of application for both men and women. Their concentration is on training medical providers on the products proprietary methodology
Contact Alternative Wellness Clinic in Sterling VA to learn more.
What Are Pellets?
Dr. Tutera discovered that subcutaneous pellets are the unique hormone replacement treatment that delivers the right kind of hormone (biologically identical) in the right amounts (based on testing and proper analysis of the results), using the right delivery system (pellets).
Subcutaneous pellets are the most convenient and effective hormone replacement available. They have been thoroughly documented and researched in medical journals since 1939. The method involves pellet-shaped (no larger than a grain of rice) bio-identical hormones painlessly inserted under the skin. Once inserted, a steady, low dose of natural hormones flows directly into the bloodstream whenever the body needs it. This gives the body the ability to control the release of the hormones just as it did when the ovaries and testicles were working normally
What Are Pellets Made From?
The pellets used with this therapy are made in an outsourcing facility which is FDA approved according to the highest industry standards, using the highest quality botanical ingredients available, starting with either yam or soy. They are specifically formulated to replicate human hormones. No horse urine. No fillers. Just pure, natural, biologically identical hormonesplain and simple.
What Can Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Do For You In Sterling VA?
Patients say they feel fantastic again! Some of the benefits they report include:
- Restored or Increased Sexual Desire
- Consistency in Moods
- Relief From Anxiety and Depression
- Increased Mental Clarity, Focus, and Memory
- Improved Energy, Exercise Tolerance, and Muscle Mass
- Greater Potential for Getting The Body In Shape
How Long Will It Take For The Hormones To Start Working?
Most female patients report that they begin to experience improvement sometimes within a few days to a week of receiving their hormones. Testosterone may take up to two weeks to experience the benefits for men and women
How Often Is This Therapy Needed?
More great news … generally female patients will be seen three to four times a year and male patients twice a year, depending on symptoms and lab work.
Are There Any Side Effects Or Complications?
In women, transient breast tenderness lasting seven to ten days may occur with the first insertion, but rarely with repeat treatments. Acne and hair loss are rare occurrences from testosterone therapy. The growth of facial hair is also rare and occurs no more frequently than it happens in post menopausal women not on hormones. In men, the side effects are also rare, but may include decreased sperm count, decreased testicular mass and possible prostate enlargement. Minor bruising may occur. Extrusion of pellets is a possibility. Results may vary as not everyone is the same, and this may not work for you. Minor infections may occur due to clinical patient non compliance.
Why Hasn't The Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Method Been Suggested As An Option Before?
The majority of medical training is on synthetic hormones. Most likely, your healthcare professional was never trained in the use of bio-identical hormone pellets.
Do You Experience Horrible Headaches? Can This Help?
Yes! Patients report great success with hormonally related headaches
Low Or No Libido? Can This Help?
Yes, many patients have reported improvement in their sexual desire.
How Do I Get Started?
Easy. First, schedule an appointment with your Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Certified provider. They will explain the process and answer any questions you might have and what to expect. On the day of your appointment, your provider will discuss the results of your blood tests, your history, and your symptoms to see if you are a candidate or not.
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
Alternative Wellness Clinic
2 Pidgeon Hill Drive #280
Sterling, VA 20165