Nutrition in Sterling

What we generally call “food” these days may not be doing the job of nourishing your body, which leads to nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, and serious conditions such as diabetes. At Alternative Wellness Clinic in Sterling, Virginia, founder Donald Gauthier, DC, and nutrition expert Maribel Vazquez, DC, help you identify the whole foods, vitamins, and minerals that your body requires to thrive and operate at its peak capabilities. To improve your nutrition so you can be healthy, happy, and fit, contact your chiropractor in Sterling at the Alternative Wellness Clinic by phone or use the online form.
What is nutrition in Sterling?
Your entire body — from your skin to your brain — needs to be nourished with high-quality foods that are rich with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols. Unfortunately, decades of factory-farm agriculture and meat production, along with widespread use of chemical fertilizers and antibiotics, have degraded our food supply. The team of wellness practitioners at Alternative Wellness Clinic believes that many of today’s chronic and degenerative diseases are due to poor nutrition.
How can I increase my nutrition?
You can build a more nutritious diet by cutting out “foods” that are full of empty calories but don’t provide your cells with the nourishment they need to thrive. Your wellness practitioner may recommend eliminating foods containing:
- Trans fats
- Sugar
- Corn syrup
- Artificial ingredients
- Preservatives
- Artificial colorings
- Gluten
Ideally, you should focus your diet on whole, organic foods such as fresh vegetables, low-glycemic fruits, grass-fed meats, and wild-caught fish. However, not everyone can afford to eat organic all the time, the team works with you to find foods that are healthy yet still within your budget.
What are nutrient-dense foods?
One way to increase your nutrition is by replacing nutrient-poor foods with nutrient-dense foods. Nutrient-dense foods have more nutrition than foods of lesser quality. You can replace nutrient-poor foods (left side) with nutrient-dense foods (right side), such as:
- White potatoes: switch to sweet potatoes
- Factory-farmed eggs: switch to organic, free-range, pastured eggs
- Factory-farmed meat: switch to grass-fed meat that’s rich in conjugated linoleic acids
- Iceberg lettuce: switch to arugula, baby greens, spinach, or romaine lettuce
By finding the foods that work with your body — based on initial evaluations and recommendations — you’ll find it easier to maintain
Can supplements increase my nutrition?
As part of your journey toward optimal wellness, you may be recommended supplements from Standard ProcessⓇ, which are only available through health and wellness practices. Standard Process vitamins and nutrients are derived from organic seeds and plants that are grown by organic farmers. Standard Process also offers nutrition packs to help subdue inflammation that can cause chronic conditions and others that stabilize your blood sugar.
The team at Alternative Wellness Clinic also offers intravenous (IV) nutrition therapy to suffuse your tissues with hydration and nutrition. An IV nutrition treatment helps subdue inflammation and resolve chronic health issues.
To optimize your health with nutrition, contact the Alternative Wellness Clinic team today by phone or through the contact form.
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
Alternative Wellness Clinic
2 Pidgeon Hill Drive #280
Sterling, VA 20165